Born in 1987, cornered by Chieti's beautiful Sea and Mountains, la Felce nursery grows young and healthy plants in open field, with the sun and the cold, enhanced by the beneficial effects of the peculiar geographic position.
Our products are a wide range of Potted plants of Perennials (decorative, phytodepurative, slope and dune consolidating); grasses and sedum; prevegetated sedum phyla and verbena carpets.
We have also invented and produced the innovative patented vertical green module 'Sistema Viridis®️', awarded in 2023 with the prestigious Coldiretti Abruzzo Oscar Green for Green Digital and Tech Innovations.
A modular solution for extensive vertical green, balcony home garden and slope consolidation.
Sistema Viridis®️ is designed to provide maximum efficiency to professionals and making vertical green suitable for everyone.